Understanding the World
Our overall aim for children at Hart Hill Nursery School is that ...
Children will have hands on and real life experiences to enhance their understanding and increase their knowledge and sense of the world.
We know that ...
Understanding the World supports children to make sense of their world and their place within it. It allows children to fully immerse themselves in the natural world around them through wonder, curiosity and exploration. Understanding the World covers many of the ‘foundation subjects’ that are taught in Key Stage 1, including Science, Geography, ICT, RE and History, and gives the chldren the foundations to support further learning about our culturally, socially, technologically and ecologically diverse world.
At Hart Hill we understand that ...
This requires regular contact with all environments around a child, both in school and the local community to promote enquiry, problem solving and a sense of self.
We focus on a child’s Understanding the World development through:
- Maintain children’s interest in topics by planning lessons, opportunities and activities that are appropriate to children’s levels of development
- Plan with consideration of children’s interests to stimulate discussion and provide language rich opportunities
- Foster positive attitudes towards Understanding the World through responding to children’s awe and wonder with enthusiasm whilst modelling research and enquiry skills
- Use open-ended questions to encourage deeper thinking, speculation and questioning
- Plan educational visits that provide children with the opportunity to have first hand experiences of the local natural and man made environment
- Develop children’s understandings of festivals and beliefs through utilising the knowledge of the staff and parents within the school community
- Provide a rich and stimulating environment in which children can make discoveries and investigate
- Engaging children in reading a wide range fiction and non-fiction books, providing the opportunity to use and embed new words
- Creating a language rich environment supporting the themes, interests and experiences that children can relate to
- Provide a differentiated curriculum to ensure accessibility to the curriculum for all children