Hart Hill Nursery School is a Luton LA Maintained Nursery School, who receives the majority of funding via Luton Borough Council from the Government.
Hart Hill receives income in the following ways:
- Government funding for universal 3 and 4 year olds
- Government funding for additional hours (30 hour funding)
- Government funding for children eligble for 2 year funding
- Family fees for wraparound care, including breakfast club, afterschool club, lunch care and additional hours
- SEND funding for the school’s 16 resourced places
- EHCP funding linked to individual children
- DAF funding linked to individual children
- EYPP funding linked to indiviudal children
- Catering income for school dinners
Hart Hill spends this on the following items:
- Staffing
- Building maintenance
- Resources, including classroom, ICT and cleaning products
- Energy costs and other utilities
- Business rates
- Staff training
- Service level agreemeents and enrichment activities
Key Documents
Useful Links
Employee's Salary Guide
The school currently has no employees who have a gross salary of £100,000 or more
(January 2023)