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Hart Hill Nursery School

Learning to Play – Playing to Learn

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School Meals

Your child can remain at school for the lunch time period that runs between the morning and afternoon session.  For children who are eligible for the extended educational entitlement (30 hours) this will be part of their session and no charge will be incurred. For families who wish their child to attend the lunch time outside of the 15 hours funded education, there is a charge of £5 for the additional care.


The lunch time session is planned to give children high quality interactions in a social and friendly enviornment.  Children are encouraged to sit with their friends and talk about their day, listen to calming music and have plenty of time to eat their packed lunch.


Independence skills are supported throughout the session, including teaching children the right order to eat your food, washing their face after eating, pouring their own drinks and clearing up their lunch box at the end eating.  Children who remain in the school after the lunch time break are also supported to brush their teeth (when consented by the family).


If you wish your child to stay in school for the lunch time period, please speak to the school office for more information.
