Expressive Arts and Design
Our overall aim for children at Hart Hill Nursery School is that ...
All children will have rich opportunities to express themselves through diverse art, music and role play
We know that ...
Expressive Arts and Design allows children to developing their thinking (ideas) and their feeling (emotion) through music, movement using a range of materials to create.
At Hart Hill we understand that ...
this subject fosters children’s imaginations, curosity, creativity and explorative nature and builds the foundation for further learning to revisit and reflect on their experiences with different media and materials.
We focus on a child’s Expressive Arts and Design development through:
- Providing a variety of opportunities to engage in role play and imaginative play
- Having opportunities to develop an enthusiasm and enjoyment for music in a variety of forms
- Introducing children to a variety of songs and rhymes during group times
- Time to explore a stimulating environment that encourages and inspires their creative responses
- Having the opportunity to explore a variety of media and materials such as drawing, painting, collage, IT graphics and software packages
- Being explicitly taught art skills that can be applied independently during child initiated play
- Having a safe space in which children have the confidence to express themselves creatively