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Hart Hill Nursery School

Learning to Play – Playing to Learn

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Physical Development

Our overall aim for children at Hart Hill Nursery School is:


All children will develop their fine and gross motor skills to build independence

We know that ...

Extensive physical experiences in early childhood ensure that children feel good in their body and comfortable in their world.  Your child’s journey in physical development is based on whole body experiences, which are supported through fine and gross motor skills.


At Hart Hill, we ensure that ...

Children have movement rich lives indoors and outdoors; children should be encouraged to use their own motivations for being active and interactive with others.  We recognise that a child’s health, wellbeing and self-care are intergral to physical development.


We focus on a child’s Physical Development through:

  • Providing access between the indoor and outdoor environment on a daily basis, with sufficient time to persist and learn from their experiences
  • Giving children the opportunity to use specialised equipment appropriately, to develop control of their bodies and the way they move
  • Planning structured PE sessions where children can be taught and practice specific skills linked to the way they move and when using specific equipment
  • Promoting the school grounds so the children have ample opportunities to develop an awareness of space
  • Ensuring children are taught how to remain safe and follow safety procedures, particularly when use certain equipment, such as scissors or during cooking/PE activities
  • Encouraging children to try a range of new foods and to comment if they do not like something, through planned tasting sessions linked to healthy lifestyles
  • Providing support to children and their families to live a healthy lifestyle