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Hart Hill Nursery School

Learning to Play – Playing to Learn

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Our overall aim for children at Hart Hill Nursery School is that:


All children will develop a love of stories

We know that ...

Early Literacy skills are rooted from birth through children learning or seeing gesturing, talking, singing, playing and early reading and writing.  These all feed into a child’s Literacy knowledge and build skills that support interpreting, creating and communicating meaning.


At Hart Hill, we understand that ...

Developing Literacy skills is a complex and often challenging journey for children.  It is key that a classroom environment, both inside and outdoors allows for high quality activities that both promote a love of Literacy and the early skills child need to build on as they move through their school career.


As a school, we follow the Monster Phonics validated phonics scheme in Badger and Otter Class.  Children in Robin and Hedgehog Class take part in Pre-Phonic activities, linked to the school's communication and language curriculum.


We focus on a child’s Literacy development through:

  • Providing a rich literate learning environment, in which children can explore and try new things
  • Following a scheme of long, medium and short term planning, including phonics and pre phonic activities, as well as developing children’s physical development and communication and language skills through various interventions
  • Ensuring the curriculum is ability based and highly differentiated for individual children’s developmental stage and need
  • Planning and delivering story times to small groups of children using props as appropriate and to encourage children to enjoy handling and looking at books with care
  • Providing books and stories from other cultures
  • Developing stories across the school, supporting the themes, interest and experiences that children can relate to.
  • Developing real life experiences of reading and writing through role play, local walks and school visits
  • Using accurate assessment to inform teacher planning

Useful links for Parents
