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Hart Hill Nursery School

Learning to Play – Playing to Learn

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Our overall aim for children at Hart Hill Nursery School is that ...


All children have a balance between the explicit teaching of maths skills and using or applying them in play and everyday experiences

We know that ...

Mathematics involves young children exploring the world around them to develop their own understanding of number, quantity, shape and space.  It requires plenty of time to revisit concepts and ideas and to build on the skills as they acquire them.


At Hart Hill we understand that ...

children should freely explore their mathematical thinking through the classroom and outdoor environment and this enables them to have a strong foundation to build further understanding and knowledge.


We focus on a child’s development in Mathematics through:

  • Acting as role models and encourage children to develop positive attitudes towards learning and using mathematical concepts through being enthusiastic about the subject themselves
  • Observing children’s interests and fascinations in order to develop a continuous provision that engages children and supports them in developing their mathematical understandings
  • Observing and assess children’s understandings in order to plan and deliver lessons that are appropriate to children’s level of development
  • Making use of every day opportunities to solve mathematical problems e.g. sharing snacks
  • Using a wide variety of resources both indoors and outdoors to develop children’s mathematical understandings
  • Ensuring that staff model the correct mathematical terminology and vocabulary
  • Providing a differentiated curriculum to ensure accessibility to the curriculum for all children
  • Implementing mathematics medium term plans to ensure the progression of skills throughout the school
  • Planning educational visits in which children are able to see mathematics in action e.g. paying for items in a shop, looking for the correct numbered bus