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Hart Hill Nursery School

Learning to Play – Playing to Learn

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All Policies are agreed by the school Governing Body. Each policy has an agreed timescale and review period.  If a policy appears out of date, please contact the school, as it may be awaiting approval before being uploaded to the website.


Please click on the list below to look at any of the school policies that are displayed on our website.


Should you require a paper copy of any of these policies, please contact Tara Stock, the School Business Manager, who will arrange this.


Statutory Policies

All statutory policies are documents that the Department of Education in His Majesty's Government deem a maintained school must have.  They have a expected review period that schools must follow to be compliant.


All statutory policies are ratified by the governing body before being into force in the school.  Please click on a policy to see the date it was agreed by governors.  This page is updated with any updates or new additions after each governors meeting is held (7 times a year).

Non Statutory Policies

All non statutory policies are policies that the school feels would be valuable to help us to run a smooth school.  Some of these policies are model policies from the Local Authority and others are more bespoke and recommended as good practice for our school, maybe due to the young children we serve or the SEND provision we have.


All non-statutory policies are ratified by the schools Senior Leadership Team prior to being used int he school.  All non-statutory agreement dates are shared at each governor meeting, so that the school is accountable to the policies we have.


Please click on a policy to see the date it was ratified by the member of SLT.  This website is updated at least 7 times a year.
